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새롭게 공부를 시작할 MIT OCW 학습 분야 본문


새롭게 공부를 시작할 MIT OCW 학습 분야

naggingmachine 2007. 7. 9. 22:03
MIT OCW에 대단히 유용한 과목들이 많이 올라와 있지만, 우선 평소에 관심을 갖고 있었던 Cognitive Science(인지 과학) 분야와 Engineering Ethics 과목을 공부하기로 했습니다. 수업 잘 듣고 많은 걸 배울 수 있었으면 좋겠네요~ ^^

1. 9.66J / 9.660J / 6.804J Computational Cognitive Science, Fall 2004

Image showing ways of structuring knowledge representations using directed networks.

Human learning and reasoning is founded on multiple knowledge representations with different kinds of structures, such as trees, chains, dominance hierarchies, neighborhood graphs, and directed networks. This class uses probabilistic inference methods from machine learning and Bayesian statistics, operating over different kinds of structured representational systems, to explain how people's domain knowledge can support a wide range of learning and reasoning tasks, and how these knowledge structures may themselves be learned from experience. (Image by Prof. Joshua Tenenbaum.)

2. ESD.932 Engineering Ethics, Spring 2006

Photo of abandoned house.
The Love Canal toxic waste site, with its long history of heMore/Lessalth effects, cleanup efforts, and eventual relocation of all residents, is one of the case studies considered in this course. (Photograph courtesy of U.S. EPA.)