Winter is just around coner?
2006. 9. 6. 10:54
It is just September 6th. But it is getting cold. :-(
You know, it was hot util last week. But itchanged[각주]is changed[/각주] a lot. My electric fan is getting useless. I almost catch a cold. To my surprise, the temperature is not such low. Today's temperature is 25 degrees. If it is, I should think 'Oh, it's cool, not cold'. What happen to me? Why do I feel it's cold? The other day I heard that the African can die in Korea if the season is fall although the temperature is not low because his body feel[각주]feels[/각주] very cold. The temperature a man feel[각주]feels[/각주] is very relative. Thus somtimes it would be more informative the weather caster say 'It would be chilly', not doesn't say 'It's 20 degrees today'. :-)
You know, it was hot util last week. But it