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C#과 진화론 - C# and Darwinian Theory 본문


C#과 진화론 - C# and Darwinian Theory

naggingmachine 2009. 1. 22. 08:00
오늘 아침 메일을 열어보는데 재밌는 글이 날라와서 공유합니다. 저자는 진화론에 빗대어 C#의 발전사를 설명하고 있습니다. C#의 창시자인 Hejlsberg의 말대로 C#의 진화론의 가장 선봉에 서게 될까요? ^^ 읽어보시죠~

"The thing about languages, and this is generally true for all languages, is that there is a certain lifecycle to them," Hejlsberg explained to me. "Languages age. Every time you add a new feature to a language, you age it, because it sort of accrues conceptual weight, if you will. And eventually it will cave in under its own weight, because there are just too many features that have too many subtle interactions and whatever. This is the inevitable lifecycle of pretty much any language."