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Channel 9에 올라온 VSTS 2010 관련 동영상을 아시나요? 본문

Visual Studio

Channel 9에 올라온 VSTS 2010 관련 동영상을 아시나요?

naggingmachine 2009. 2. 2. 12:25

Channel 9 팬이신 분들은 이미 Visual Studio 2010과 .NET Framework 4에 관한 동영상이 올라오고 있다는 사실을 알고 있을테지요. 이름하여 10-4 에피소드인데요, 현재 6개의 에피소드가 올라와있습니다. 매주 올라올 예정이라고 하니 1주일에 한번정도 보면 좋을것 같네요~!!

If you are a big fan of Channel 9, you already know there are some videos that is specialized in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4. 10-4 stands for Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4. There are 6 episodes and very useful for .NET developers. According to the speakers, more 10-4 episodes will be uploaded weekely-based. Visit and Enjoy!

10-4 Episode 6: Parallel Extensions
10-4 Episode 5: Code Focused in Visual Studio 2010
10-4 Episode 4: No More Parallel Development Pain
10-4 Episode 3: ASP.NET WebForms 4.0 10-4 Episode 2: Welcome to Visual Studio 2010 
10-4 Episode 1: Working with the Visual Studio 2010 CTP VPC