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(IN)Secure 잡지 23호가 출간되었네요. 본문


(IN)Secure 잡지 23호가 출간되었네요.

naggingmachine 2009. 11. 18. 00:26

The covered topics include:

- Microsoft's security patches year in review: A malware researcher's perspective
- A closer look at Red Condor Hosted Service
- Report: RSA Conference Europe 2009, London
- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has a vision for stronger information security
- Q&A: Didier Stevens on malicious PDFs
- Protecting browsers, endpoints and enterprises against new Web-based attacks
- Mobile spam: An old challenge in a new guise
- Report: BruCON security conference, Brussels
- Are you putting your business at risk?
- Why out-of-band transactions verification is critical to protecting online banking
- Study uncovers alarming password usage behavior
- Q&A: Noise vs. Subversive Computing with Pascal Cretain
- Elevating email to an enterprise-class database application solution
- Ask the social engineer: Practice
- Report: Storage Expo 2009, London
- Jumping fences - the ever decreasing perimeter

역시나 알차고 재밌는 내용들로 가득찼습니다. 이런 글이 무료로 제공된다는 사실에 무척 감사해하고 있습니다. ^^

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